The mysterious thing has been found again from the Google Earth page. Where the mysterious figure appears from behind a pile of snow in Antarctica. This finding has been disclosed directly by a conspiracy theorist when he was using Google Earth.
He explained the mysterious findings through the ET Data Base Youtube page, Scott C Waring.
Scott also explains that he thinks the snowy regions of Antarctica have hidden secrets from ancient civilizations to Nazi bases. Scott shows his Youtube subscribers as he zooms in on the mysterious human-like object.
"Now I say alien, because honestly, what kind of figure could be 20 meters tall?," Scott said of the mysterious object found on the edge of the South Pole mountain range.
as reported by "Google Earth Captures a Mysterious 20-meter Tall Object Appears Behind a Pile of Snow", the mysterious figure is indeed shaped like a human, where there is a round head, triangular body, and two pointed ends at the bottom like feet. "That doesn't make any sense, there's an alien figure out there. Some 20-meter aliens roaming Antarctica. We're going to take action from head to toe at 22.69 meters. That's just incredible," Scott continued.
Scott explains to his customers that the aliens have made snow angels. His findings fascinated the audience. However, there is a scientific explanation as to why a person might perceive a 'mysterious' object as he or she thinks. It is called pareidolia, a phenomenon in which our brain sees random patterns and the human brain is programmed to recognize the shape of objects.
When we use an area of the brain known as the right fusiform facial area to process faces, the same goes for Scott's video.